When is the deadline to put in a new order for the upcoming box of the month?
The last day of every month is the order deadline for new subscribers for that UPCOMING months box. A charge in the month of January is for the upcoming February box , and so on. So each month is a pre-order.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account you created during signup. Use the sign in button on the top right corner to login.
Why do I still have a pending order if I cancelled my subscription?
Subscriptions can be cancelled anytime from our customer portal, but if you already have a pending order for the month, you will need to email us to cancel the order you have already paid for. You can always reach us at indycoffeebox@gmail.com for a quick response to any issue.
Do I get to pick what roasts I receive every month?
Indy Coffee Box offers a curated variety, we always pick the best roasts for you to try.
Do you offer decaf?
We do not currently offer decaffeinated coffee.
Can you send me my coffee ground?
All of our roasts are whole beans only.
Is Indy Coffee Box still accepting new roasters to add to the lineup?
Please reach out for more information at indycoffeebox@gmail.com
How do I change my delivery address?
The only way to change your address is to unsubscribe, and then resubscribe with the correct address. If you have a pending order under the old address, it will need to be refunded, so make sure to email us @ indycoffeebox@gmail.com
How do I change my subscription to a different amount of bags?
You will need to login to your profile you created when you signed up, and cancel the current subscription and resubscribe to the option you want. If you have a pending order for the month already, please email indycoffeebox@gmail.com to get a refund, as resubscribing will create a new order.
I missed box pickup/recycling, can you come back and pick them up?
In most circumstances, we cannot come back to pick up boxes that need recycled or reused. We recycle and reuse boxes not just to keep our company sustainable, but because we care about the environment and proper use of natural resources. Using gas to come back to pick up cardboard is not a good trade off for the environment.